Monday, November 10, 2014

Extended Interview with Mr. Feeley

By: Amanda S.

Extended Interview with IAMS librarian Mr. Feeley about Banned Book Week

Have you heard of Banned Books Week?
YES!  I love banned books week! It provides us an annual reminder of how fortunate we are to live in a free society and how we have to stand up sometimes to demand that our right to read be honored.
At I.A.M.S, has a parent, teacher or student asked you to remove a book from the library? If so, what book? And what did you do?
I have never received a formal book challenge at Inter-American. A formal book challenge is when somebody requests that a book be removed from the library.

On a number of occasions parents have contacted me to express their objections to some books that they didn't feel were appropriate for their children. On each of these occasions I asked the parents to share their concerns with me so that I could help their students to identify and check out books that are a good fit for their interests and that are better aligned with the values of the family. I think it's a good thing when parents and children read together or discuss what they are reading together. It promotes reading, promotes good family relationships, and provides families opportunities to discuss their values.

What do you think about banning books?
I am opposed to the practice of banning books. I believe that the freedom to read is extremely important. A book that some people find objectionable is a perfectly good book for many others. We live in a diverse society. I believe that libraries should have all kinds of books so that people of all ages can choose what is right for them and for their families. The most important thing is that people read and learn about the world around them.

What if I told you that Captain Underpants is number one in the top ten 2014 challenged kids books and The Hunger Games being number five? What do you think?
I knew that! I am not surprised that there are people who object to those books. I understand that in a diverse society people will not always agree about what is appropriate reading material for young people.

Which of these books do you have in your library?

                1) Captain Underpants  YES

                2) The Bluest Eye  NO

                3) The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian  NO but I just ordered it. Thanks for the suggestion!

                4) Fifty Shades of Gray NO

                5) The Hunger Games  YES

                6) A Bad Boy Can be Good for a Girl  NO

                7) Looking for Alaska YES

                8) The Perks of Being a Wallflower  YES

                9) Bless me Ultima  YES

              10) Bone YES

Is there any book you feel is not appropriate for a school library?
This is a K-8th grade library. Certainly there are books intended for adults that are not suitable for an elementary or middle school library.

Fran Feeley, NBCT
Bibliotecario Escolar/School Librarian

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